Thinking Biblically About Miracles

In this series we discuss the discuss miracles found in the book of John. Dr. Halstead will define what the terms for miracles are and how the Gospel writers record Jesus' work. Then Dr. Halstead will look at four miracles found in the book of John: the turning of water into wine, the feeding of the 5,000, and the raising of Lazarus.

About this Series

In this series we discuss the discuss miracles found in the book of John. Dr. Halstead will define what the terms for miracles are and how the Gospel writers record Jesus' work. Then Dr. Halstead will look at four miracles found in the book of John: the turning of water into wine, the feeding of the 5,000, and the raising of Lazarus.

  • Series Length: 50 minutes
  • Instructor: Dr. Tom Halstead

Ep. 1 The Terms for Miracles in the Gospels

In this episode Dr. Halstead discusses the four different terms for miracle in all four Gospels, and specifically, why John uses the particular terms he does. The four terms discussed will be wonder, power, sign, and work.

Ep. 2 The Miracle of Turning Water Into Wine

In this episode Dr. Halstead discusses Jesus' first public miracle from John 2:1-11. In this miracle Jesus makes a wedding successful by turning water into wine.

Ep. 3 The Miracles of the Feeding of the Five Thousand and Walking on Water

In this episode Dr. Halstead discusses Jesus' largest miracle in that He fed upwards of 20,000 people. Right after this miracle, He put His disciples into a boat for the trip back to Capernaum which leads to Jesus walking on water.

Ep. 4 The Miracle of Raising Lazarus

In our final episode Dr. Halstead discusses Jesus' greatest miracle and occurs shortly before His own death and resurrection. It clearly shows us His power over death, and it will become even more evident when Jesus dies and is raised three days later.

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"We’re not swayed by the world. Rather, we need to interpret the world by Scripture."